● You are not one, but many selves.
● Voice Dialogue is a method for contacting, learning about, and working with the many selves that make up each of us.
The Psychology of Selves provides a clear explanation of how these selves operate in our lives and how they may be keeping us from realizing our full potential. This process allows a man to hear or get advice from the voices in his head. Often hurt, disowned or protective parts of the psyche wants our attention and this process gives them space to be heard.
Through this process, a man can learn how these “selves” determine the way he sees the world, how they control his behavior and may possibly limit his choices.
Often used when a man is confused or conflicted about a situation or decision and feels pulled in different directions. For example they may use phrases like, “A part of me wants <one thing>; another part of me wants <different thing>.”
This process asks the man to stand up and sit down repeatedly. Be sure he is careful of his chair, computer, headphone wires, etc. [Note: Replace words/phrases in <angle brackets> with the man’s own words. It is also advisable that you have a scribe capture answers to steps 4-9.]
● What do you want to have happen here?
● Close your eyes. Take a Breath.
● Move your body to a place of awareness.
● Connect to your inner Sovereign/King, the part of you that is wise.
● Know that your Inner King is aware of your indecision and that there are inner parts or advisors available to consult.
● Paying attention to your chair and your headphones, Carefully stand up.
● Which part (or voice) seems to have the strongest energy right now?
● Breathe in to that; allow it to fill your body.
● When that energy is fully present, carefully sit back down into that energy.
● Welcome to this space, Thank you for being here.
[Process Mentor writes down answers to questions in sections 4 - 9]
● What do you do for <man’s name> or
What is your function or purpose?
● When did you first show up in <man’s name>’s life?
● It sounds like you <advisor’s purpose> for <man’s name>.
● Is that right? Did I get it?
● For the purposes of this conversation, how may I address you?
[This becomes the <advisor’s name>. If necessary, suggest things like Guardian
Angel, Traffic Cop, Safety Monitor, etc.]
● <advisor’s name>, what do you really want for <man’s name>?
● <advisor’s name>, what do you want <man’s name> to know about this issue?
● Is there more?
● What happens to <man’s name> when he doesn’t listen to you?
● What happens to YOU <advisor’s name> when <man's name> does not listen to you?
● Before we move on <advisor’s name>, is there anything else you'd like
<man's name> to know about this issue?
● I really want to honor you <advisor’s name>, for the wisdom and service
you bring to <man's name>
● Thank you for being here with us.
● Paying attention to your chair and your headphones, Carefully stand up.
When you are ready < advisor’s name >, I invite you to return to your Sovereign/King.
● Breathe in to the energy of your Sovereign/King, allow it to fill your body.
● When you’re fully present, carefully sit back down.
[FACILITATOR NOTE: Be sure you see a physical confirmation that the man working has returned from his altered state before continuing.]
[Facilitator tells the Sovereign what the <advisor> said. Refer to scribe's notes if needed]
● We just spoke to <advisor’s name> , would you like to hear what he shared?
[IF NO, proceed to step 13.]
● Did I hear that right?
● Did you hear anything else?
● Is there more?
● Paying attention to your chair and your headphones, Carefully stand up.
● Listen for the voice of your second Advisor.
● Breathe in to that energy; allow it to fill your body.
● When that energy is fully present, carefully sit back down.
● I invite you to consider what you now know about the situation after
hearing from your advisors.
● Are you complete?