Note to Facilitator: Using energetics makes this work more effective.
(Ex: When repeating back what the man said, waive your hand over the hand
he is holding the energy with to help him be more aware of that energy .)
Start with the situation the man is already in.
1. What’s the issue?
2. What’s at risk if you...? (Start where man already is.)
3. Then, what’s at risk...? (Repeat his answer. Use his exact words)
4. Now, what’s at risk if...? (Repeat his answer. Use his exact words)
(Repeat until the man reaches his bottom line truth)
5. What’s at risk if you...? The path he has not yet taken. (Repeat above)
Alternative questions:
What would happen if...
What would be the worst case scenario if...
If a man says that there is no risk for him, point out to him,
“If there is no risk you would have already made the change.”
Closing the Process:
6. Once at the bottom of both sides equally, point out that on the one hand he
knows the risk & outcome and on the other it is “made up,” because you
don’t know it’s going to happen and there are unlimited possibilities.
7. With your new understanding of the story you have been telling yourself, do
you see a clear choice, do you have any further work to do on this, or would
you like to sit with this?
8. Are you complete for now?